Agricultural equipment donations

Our association has received the donation of agricultural equipment, we will present them to you in the future as well as our farm! In this letter, Marie-Thérèse wishes to thank the donors:

Dear Reverend Pastor, dear brothers and sisters in Christ-Jesus,

In the name of Eni's Workshop a.s.b.l. we ask your entire community to humbly accept our community to humbly accept our deepest thanks (in words for the moment).

For the record and as a testimony, you and we are participants in the miracle of love of love that the Lord is working through us. Your community has taken the necessary steps to offer agricultural equipment to the women's rural cooperative cooperative in Congo Brazzaville: Thank you for praying for us, so that we may be faithful and faithful and hardworking so that the multiplication will happen and at the harvest we will rejoice together and at the harvest we will rejoice together.

Finally, thank you also for bringing in prayer, three little women evangelists, Petia, Evelina and Marie-Thérèse to welcome his reign. Our compassion for the captives captives, has brought us to you and you to the Congo.

We enclose a copy of the statutes of "Eni's Workshop". It is a tool at the service of evangelization; its purpose is resilience through the discovery of the discovery of the gifts or talents of each person declined around the actions of solidarity. I am preparing to bring your gifts to the Congo and promise to send you news, and to my I promise to send you news, and when I return, to come and visit you.

All our affection and our attachment.

For Eni's W.\ Marie-Thérèse Gandou

How to contribute to actions?

Engage yourself!